This is a packaging project for Budureasca, one of the most thriving, middle-weight winemakers on the Romanian market. Origini, Romanian for “Origins”, is a super-premium wine collection crafted exclusively for restaurants and locations alike. Its name comes from the fact that Budureasca’s vineyard sits next to a very old Dacian arheological site and with this collection the owners decided to pay their respects to this ancient civilization and their legacy in wine loving and winemaking.
One of the most striking symbols of the ancient Dacian civilization is the “Draco”, the standard ensign of their military troops. Part wolf, part snake, Draco was held up into the wind where it filled with air and gave the impression it was alive, making a shrill sound as the wind passed through its snake body.
The challenge was to create a symbol relevant for Budureasca’s ancestry and also make the grape and Draco visual couple a visual reference to Genesis and the forbidden fruit that brings the knowledge and the truth. After all, we don’t say “In vino veritas” for nothing.
For more details about my work and insights into my approach, feel free to explore the Design Services section here.
hotfoil, emboss
Client: Budureasca
Category: Packaging